When Visiting Display
Gardens (List Below)
One of the nicest aspects of growing irises is being able to
share their beauty with others and to encourage others to grow
irises. Several sections within The American Iris Society do
just that by asking their members to open their gardens to the
public during bloom season. Below is a list of Region 4 private
gardeners who have graciously allow viewers into their gardens.
Also included are public gardens and historical sites where you
may see irises in bloom. It is advised that the common
courtesies outlined below be observed when visiting these
private gardens:
Private gardens are best seen by appointment.
Please phone in advance for directions and make a mutually
acceptable appointment for viewing the gardens. Remember that
Mother Nature does not always agree with our posted bloom times!
is best to call ahead! Arrive promptly for your garden tour.
Please do not touch or pick the flowers! Some of the gardeners
are iris hybridizers. They need the blooms for this purpose and
you could upset their hybridizing efforts by touching or picking
flowers they need to make crosses.
- NO uncontrollable children or pets. Many gardeners have
rare and expensive plants that could be damaged by children or
Lastly, and most importantly... Please remember that you are a
guest. These gardeners are extending themselves and their
gardens for your benefit. They do this freely on a volunteer
Have Fun! Ask questions! nbsp; Please...Leave the garden as you
found it!
Unless a bit of weeding... ;)