Photo by Judy Nelson Used with permission
The American Iris Society Region 4



Bayshore Iris Society (BIS)

The newest AIS affiliate of Region 4, was founded in 2013, in Easton, Maryland!

Because there was no AIS affiliated club east of the Chesapeake Bay, AIS member Pat McNeal (known locally as "The Iris Lady" for selling irises at the Easton, MD Farmers' Market for the previous seven years) called a meeting of local iris enthusiasts on Oct. 11, 2013 for the purpose of forming a new AIS affiliated club. The meeting was held at the Maryland Cooperative Extension Office in Easton. Seven people attended and the name Bayshore Iris Society (BIS), suggested by Mary Beth Webb, was unanimously adopted. Officers chosen were Cindy Outen, President; Pat McNeal, Vice President; and Mary Beth Webb, Secretary/Treasurer.

Bylaws were adopted at the November 2013 meeting, as was a logo designed by Pat McNeal, and plans were made to have a spring show; Pat McNeal was appointed Show Chair. Most members were totally new to showing irises, and most just wanted to learn more about the “Rainbow Flower” and how to grow it. Having a chance to show them off was an added bonus!

Until Covid-19 hit and disrupted the country, BIS held a Spring Show every year. It was no easy feat for a financially-strapped, new club with only Pat McNeal having any experience showing irises, and NO ONE with experience putting on a show! Nevertheless, the show was a success and a great learning experience for everyone involved. Best of Show winners were: 2014 – “Chatter;” 2015 – “Jesse’s Song;” 2016 – “Jesse’s Song;” 2017 – Conjuration;” 2018 – “Virginia Lyle;” 2019 – “Conjuration.”

 The First Officers of Bayshore Iris Society 

Oct. 2013-Dec. 2014
Cindy Outen, President; Pat McNeal, Vice President;
and Mary Beth Webb, Secretary/Treasurer

Our First AIS Iris Show—May 16th, 2014

Our first show included not only TB’s, but BB’s, IB’s, SDB’s, MTB’s and SIB’s!

The WINNERS—(L-R) Best Seedling; Silverado—Runner-Up to best of Show; Chatter—Best of Show; True Delight—Best Historic.  All were exhibited by Pat McNeal.

Christmas 2013

Our Christmas Dinner was at the home of Mary Beth Webb, and her home was beautifully decorated for the holiday!  Even the Bathroom matched the décor!

(Photos by Pat McNeal)

Dinner Setting  
    Dinner Setting             Dining Room                  Sitting Room             Nativity Scene
      Bathroom                  Mantle                  Ribbon Candy